Rules of Discipline

1. Every Student should carry his/her handbook daily. The children must bring water bottles from home. They must carry their identity cards.
2. The name, standard and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all his/her belongings.
3. Children should always be clean and neatly dressed. They have to wear the school uniform duly all school days and for all school functions. Following the school uniform code, low waist trousers, narrow school pants, tight house T-shirts, Shirts, Short Skirts, Fancy shoes and Socks are strictly not allowed.
4. The school gates will be closed at the second bell and thereafter no student will be allowed to enter the school premises. At the first bell, all the students must fall in line for the assembly and after the assembly move silently to their class rooms. Running and shouting in the school veranda or premises is forbidden.
5. Students should arrive at school before the bell rings. No student is allowed to come to school on a self-driven scooter, motor-cycle or car.
6. All the students must be seated before the teacher enters the class. Students should not be seen walking around the corridors during the class hours without permission. As and when changing classes, the students must walk in silence.
7. Students are not allowed to bring mobiles, Smart Watches, Kadas, CDs, Pen drives, tabs, chewing gums, money, transistors, comics, magazines or books other than the text books or library books or any other objects liable to cause disturbance to the school. Such materials will be confiscated.
8. Students moving out of the class for any reason should carry the outgoing pass with them.
9. Students should care for the school property. They should not write or scratch on desks, chairs, walls or doors of the school, nor should they damage property belongings to others. Any damage done to the school property must be reported immediately and remedied by the offender. The decision of the Principal in the matter will be final.
10. The school is not responsible for the goods or money lost by the students. Money should neither be lent nor borrowed in school. They are requested not to wear ornaments.
11. The school accepts no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during class hours because of
A) Of not wearing proper uniform.
B) of not bringing proper class books.
C) of not getting parent signature whenever necessary or.
D) for not attending class on time.
12. During recess no student is to remain in the classroom. They are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours.
13. Students will refrain from littering the school and keep the school premises clean.
14. The school reserves the right to dismiss those students whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards or whose conduct is harmful to others. Immorality, any act subversive to discipline, any objectionable activity inside or outside school, dishonest behaviour or wilful damage to school property etc. are always sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
15. Non Sikh boys should get their standard hair cut regularly. (No mushroom cutting or fancy cutting is allowed in the school).
16. Applying Mehndi on hands is “NOT ALLOWED” on any occasion.
17. Any misbehaviour, bullying, using foul language will invite disciplinary action as these are punishable offences.
18. A student who uses unfair means during test will be given zero in that subject. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
19. Remarks made in the diary should be counter-signed by the parents/guardians only.
20. Students and parents may not offer any presents or gifts to the teachers except with the explicit permission of the principal.
21. After the school hours all students are expected to go home. They are not allowed to go to their friends houses from the school.
22. No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be taken without the permission of the Principal.
23. All the students must speak in English within the class and school premises. English conversation should be encouraged at home.
24. Every child attending the school is obliged to take part in drills, games, sports, physical exercises and other school activities.
25. The school authorities maintain a record of the address of the parents in the school office and in their own interest they are requested to promptly intimate changes, if any, from time to time.
26. It is compulsory for students to complete 75% of the attendance in the year to make them eligible to take the final examination. But class IX and X students must have an average of 75% attendance before the examination The percentage however, could be relaxed on medical ground, but such students will not be eligible to receive any rank
27. Habitual idleness, late coming, wilful disobedience or conduct injurious to the tone and discipline of the school will be seriously dealt with. All pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour inside and outside of the school. No students shall indulge in any of the following practices:
A) Spitting in or near school building.
B) Bursting of crackers, playing with colours and any other such unwanted activity.
C) Rowdy and rude behaviour.
D) Use of violence in any form.
28. Every student should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
29. The following shall be the “DISCIPLINARY MEASURES’ which may be adopted by the school authorities in dealing with all students:
A) Fine.
B) Suspension.
C) Expulsion.
D) Rustication.
30. Leave of absence is not granted without prior written Application from Parent/Guardians, except in cases of unforeseen circumstances and serious reasons.
31. Any one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will not be admitted to the class without producing a leave application duly signed by the parent/guardians.
32. Repeated absence from the school for more than 10 consecutive days without leave application renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off the roll. Re- admission, if granted, will be done on payment of Rs. 300/-.
33. All are expected to attend class on the opening day after vacations. Those who are absent because of sickness must present a Medical Certificate before they are admitted to the class.
34. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate permitting him/her to re-join the class. The prescribed period of quarantine is:
Chicken Pox;
Six days after the disappearance of the first crop of vesicles.
Seven days from rash.
Until the swelling of salivary glands has subsided this may be after nine days from the appearance of distinctive symptoms.
35. A student suffering From cold/cough should use mask.