Raksha Bandhan, a traditional Indian festival celebrating the bond between siblings, was celebrated with enthusiasm at St. Anthony's Secondary School on 17 thAugust 2024. The event aimed to highlight the importance of family bonds and the values of love, protection, and care that the festival symbolizes.The highlight of the event was a skit presented by the students of Class IX. The skit depicted the story of a brother and sister who, despite facing challenges, uphold the values of love and protection for each other. The performance was both entertaining and poignant, leaving a lasting impression on the audience and emphasizing the deeper meaning of Raksha Bandhan.The students presented a series of cultural performances, including poem and songs that depicted the essence of Raksha Bandhan. A student from Class IX delivered a thoughtful speech on the significance of Raksha Bandhan. The speech highlighted the festival’s roots in Indian culture, its symbolic representation of love and protection, and how it fosters strong family bonds. The speaker also emphasized the importance of respecting and supporting one another, extending the values of Raksha Bandhan through anecdotes and mythological stories. Also narrated the story of Lord Krishna and Draupadi, highlighting the deeper meaning of the festival beyond the simple act of tying a Rakhi.The Raksha Bandhan celebration at St. Anthony's Secondary School was a memorable event filled with joy, cultural expression, and a deeper understanding of the values that Raksha Bandhan upholds.