On 4th October 2023 ,St Francis Day was celebrated in St. Anthony 's Secondary School Faridabad by School Eco club .The programme began with 'peace prayer' of St Francis of Assisi by School choir .Following the prayer a student from class eighth-delivered an enlightening speech on the life and contribution of St. Francis. The speech not only emphasized his dedication to environmental conservation but also shed light on his commitment to peace, love and humanity. The highlight of the celebration was a skit performed by students from classes4th and 5th 9th .The skit depicted significant events from St. Francis's life ,his communication with animals and his efforts to promote peace and compassion. Students of class-class4 and 5 shared quotes of St. Fransis to draw inspiration from his teachings in their own lives. The event not only educated the students about the life and teachings of St. Francis but also encouraged them to reflect on how they could incorporate these principles into their own lives.